Monday, March 26, 2007

Vince Young Fixed the Miss USA Contest

OK. I'll admit it. I watched some of the Miss USA contest this last weekend. I'm not proud of it but it happened and I caught this little gem. It was the final question section of the pageant. Miss Tennessee, Rachel Smith, was called to the mic. Her final question was from one of the judges, Tennessee Titan quarterback Vince Young. I noticed Young and Miss Tennessee exchanging looks and a smile. She nailed the question and went on to become the new Miss USA.

Does this sound like a fix at all? Mr. Tennessee Vince Young is one of the judges and Miss Tennessee comes away with the crown? There's definitely a conflict of interest here. My prediction is they will wait a few months and then come out as a couple. I can't say I'd do it any different than Young did. Perhaps I'd fornicate with as many states as possible first, but who's saying he didn't do that too. Lucky fucker.