By now everyone has heard about the story with the LSU women's basketball coach Pokey Chatman and her innapropriate sexual relationship with a former player. Personally I think its hot and I encourage this type of behavior. Sure she may have taken advantage of her authority as coach, but if the results of that are two women gettin it on I'm all for it. Now comes the question: Who is the former player or players that were involved? Who was wearing the strap-on and giving Pokey some pokey pokey? I've done some investigating and here's what I came up with. Multiple sources within the LSU athletic department told ESPN.com that there is no evidence of inappropriate behavior with any current players. So I researched LSU's roster from the past years. Here's a few former players that I believe could be the mystery crack snacker.
1) Crystal White
Crystal was a senior in 04-05. Here's some info about Crystal from LSU's women's basketball website:
Full name is Crystal Nicole White ... Born on January 5, 1982 in Newport News, Va. ... Daughter of Otis and Linda White ... Has one brother, James ... An excellent student in high school, she was a member of the National Honor Society, Y.E.S. Club, Who's Who Among America's High School Students, Youth Forum, Business Professionals of America, Key Club and Yearbook ... Was a four-year honor roll student and posted a 3.4 grade point average in high school ... Received a bachelors degree in general studies in August of 2004 and is currently pursuing a masters in social work.
National Honor Society, Y.E.S. Club, Who's Who, Youth Forum, Key Club and Yearbook. Oh yeah, she's a carpet muncher. And she's pursuing a masters degree in social work. That screams out GAY.
2) Temeka Johnson
Temeka was also a senior in 04-05. Here's her personal info:
Full name is Temeka Rochelle Johnson ... Goes by ?Meek? ... Born Sept. 6, 1982 in New Orleans ... Daughter of Veronica Johnson ... Raised by her grandmother, Jewel Johnson ... Has three siblings: Valencia, Earl and Latifah ... Her uncle Keith Johnson played professional basketball in Russia and Venezuela ... Has an unusual superstition of having to have her ankles taped the same way before every game ... Graduated in August with a degree in general studies.
So she goes by "Meek". Sounds like Pokey's pet name for her stuck. And she has an unusual superstition involving taping her ankles. What they didn't explain is that the trainer tapes up her ankles while Pokey munches her box.
3) Seimone Augustus
Seimone graduated after last season and was the #1 pick in the WNBA draft. If she's in the WNBA then there's at least a 75% chance she's gay. And then this info from the LSU women's basketball website:
Born April 30, 1984, in Baton Rouge ... Daughter of Seymore and Kim Augustus ... Ranked sixth among 214 students in the senior class at Capitol High School ... Carried a 3.71 grade point average in accelerated classes ... Volunteers at the Gus Young Center in Baton Rouge ... Received the "Community Service Award" during the 2001 NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet ... Graduated this past August with a general studies degree ... Enjoys fashion and classic cars, including Chevy Impala's from the 1960's.
She enjoys fashion and classic cars? Enough said.
So who do you think it was? My vote is for Meek. Just a gay nickname. By the way, sorry for writing about beaver ball. I promise I won't write about it very much.